The month of March was a special month, as I said in our previous WGO, we started Bible studies with three of our listeners from Rádio Palavra Alegre. It was and has been a moment of great learning for us, preparing and using online meeting platforms as well as for those listeners who understand and know more about the Word of God every day.

Our last lessons were about baptism and also about conversions from the book of Acts.

Renato and his mother Taysa live in the northeast of Brazil, they are studying on Friday nights. Italo Moreira lives in Valinhos, São Paulo and studies every Tuesday. Italo has been very excited! After asking him what prevents him from following Christ he said that nothing . So I ask everyone who is praying for these contacts, for their lives and for them to really make the decision to follow Christ and that it will be for life. I ask that you also pray for all contacts that may manifest a desire to deepen in the knowledge of the word of God.


The Bible says:1 Corinthians 15:58

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.

This passage is very encouraging because it encourages us to continue doing, speaking and encouraging people in Jesus, knowing that nothing is lost and that hearts have been changed, people have heard the gospel and we continue to follow what Christ asked us: to announce his Word to all people.

During the months of April and May we will be continuing the series Encounters with Jesus by Gayle Crowe and also starting a new series by Allen Dutton Jr About the Revelation.

Another series that we are continuing during these months will be the Book of Acts conversions that Anderson Maestri recorded and sent us. A very good study of evangelism and teaching for all our listeners.

We continue to receive several emails and whatsapp from our listeners, and this month we received from different parts of the world such as Masahio Kobayashi from Japan, Marcelo Cornachioni from Argentina and Ding Lu from China in addition to several others who came from Brazil.

Masahio Kobayashi says:

Dear Mr. Fontes,

Thanks for your response. I am delighted to receive your email regarding my receipt report.

I have enjoyed listening to world radio for decades and have had many chances to receive shortwave missionary radio broadcasts.

I first heard the World Christian Broadcasting broadcast, Alaska’s KNLS in the 1980s, and received the Madagascar World Voice broadcast in 2016.

As for Happy Word, I happened to get your station a few days ago when I was scanning the 31 meter band in the morning here, and I was surprised to learn from a publication from BDXC, UK, that it was a program via MWV. My story was about my second reception, after I received information about your QSL from a DXing radio group on Facebook.

I thank God for giving me the opportunity to contact you.

I think radio is one of the best tools for evangelism, and especially in this world “pandemic”. So I believe that your position has glorified God, leading many people to the Lord.

Finally, during the month of March we did two lives segment with Lawyer Leandro Aguilar talking about citizen’s rights and we had a reach of more than 1200 people so far. May God bless us with a great month of April, stay with God

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