
We started the year 2023, reaping good results from the 4th anniversary promotion of radio Palavra Alegre. Many listeners have still been in contact and in this last month we sent over 40 QSL cards. Furthermore, in the month of January we aso received with great joy the photo by Rafael Rosa from the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Rafael is our frequent listener and has always participated in our programming. He
sends us a reception report and also informs us about the quality of our signal in his region and many other parts of Brazil. Rafael is very involved when it comes to short waves and even has a channel on youtube.

Rafael Rosa - Brazil

Due to his great participation and involvement in Rádio Palavra Alegre, we sent him a gift . The gift was a book by Antonio Argolo called Radio Images, he got very happy by receiving it.

Also during the month of January, Ester Dionísio, the winner, happily contacted from the radio set and she said:

Good afternoon, I am very happy, after a year of many losses, God incorporated me into joy of being drawn. I received the course by correspondence and I am really enjoying it, I even want to ask to send it to my sister too.

We also received a contact from the other side of the world, John Zacharu Alvarez and he said in his email:

Dear Rádio Palavra Alegre (WCB),I have listened to your station, Radio Palavra Alegre (World Christian Broadcasting) on Portuguese language on 9765 kHz (via Madagascar).

I’m monitoring your station, yesterday exactly between 21 and 23 UTC I listened to Christians songs and inspired programming!

The signal was good at general reception here in the Philippines. I will continue to listen to Rádio Palavra Alegre (WCB) every month or occasionally.

Finally, also the contact of Peter Reuderink from Netherlands:

Since last month I retired and I have time to resume my radio hobby. Yesterday I had the pleasure of listening to your radio station, broadcasting at 9765 kHz.

I’m 60 years old and I live in Woerden, a small town in the center of the Netherlands. Woerden is located on the banks of the river Rhine. In 1372, Woerden received rights to City.

Sincerely, Peter.

We continue to promote our app on social networks and also on our website so that more and more people can know the Bible and the Word of God. Great year to all .