We have reached the month of October, the month in which we celebrate another anniversary of Radio Palavra Alegre. We got to the 4th. year of broadcasting the program throughout Brazil, for Portuguese-speaking countries and why not say, for the whole world because we always receive contact from different countries.
We really have a lot to celebrate because this year alone we sent more than 57 QSL cards, we had 3 Baptisms and several courses sent.
In September we also had the opportunity to meet new listeners who reported satisfaction with our special anniversary production for the centenary of radio in Brazil.
Taking advantage of our 4 year anniversary, we will have the launch of the Palavra Alegre App that will take our listeners to a closer experience with us and an even better interaction.
Our App, will have the MP3 of our daily program always starting at 18 pm (21 UTC), a version of the Bible will also be made available. The Happy Word App will also feature the series we recorded for our shortwave broadcasts, WGO, Bible Study, daily devotional and also daily verse in addition to many other interactions.
The launch and availability will be from the 28th of October, the day of our 4th anniversary.
Today in Brazil according to news from Olhar Digital, an important technology site in Brazil, and he says:
Brazil is currently the country with the highest average time spent on applications (apps) in the year, according to a survey carried out by the agency focused on analyzing the mobile market, App Annie. The study, which was published exclusively by Forbes magazine, was based on the results of the second quarter of 2021.
The average use of apps by Brazilians is 5.4 hours a day, according to the data. The country is followed by Indonesia, with 5.3 hours and India, with 4.9 hours. According to the company, the results suggest that the covid-19 pandemic greatly boosted the increase in users’ time in the software, causing a growth of 45%.
Another news site of great national repercussion, Estado de Minas, also highlighted about the time on social media:
A study released by the Coupon Válido platform, which gathered data from Hootsuite and WeAreSocial, shows that Brazil is the third country in the world that uses social networks. According to the study, Brazilians are, on average, 3h42 per day connected, behind only the Philippines (4h15) and Colombia (3h45).
The top 10 released by Coupon Valid includes other developing countries, such as Kenya (3h42), Nigeria (3h41), South Africa (3h32), Mexico (3h27), Argentina (3h22), Indonesia (3h14) and Ghana (3h08 ).
The survey also points out that the age group that most accesses the networks in Brazil is between 16 and 24 years old. More than 92% of users in this audience use social networks at least once a month. www.em.com.br
Therefore, the creation of an App for Rádio Palavra Alegre meets a large audience that is connected to technologies and this makes it possible and further enhances our reach in spreading the gospel. May God bless you all.